go slice initialization

The Go programming language allows for slice initialization through the use of composite literals. Here are the steps involved in slice initialization:

  1. Declare the slice variable: Before initialization, we need to declare the slice variable. This is done by specifying the variable name, followed by the slice type. For example, var numbers []int declares a slice variable named "numbers" that can hold integers.

  2. Initialize the slice: To initialize the slice, we use the composite literal syntax, which allows us to specify the initial values for the slice elements. The syntax for a slice composite literal is []<element type>{<values>}, where <element type> is the type of elements the slice will hold, and <values> is a comma-separated list of the initial values.

  3. Assign the initialized slice to the variable: After initializing the slice, we assign it to the declared variable using the assignment operator =. For example, numbers = []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} assigns a slice with the values 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to the "numbers" variable.

By following these steps, you can initialize a slice in Go using composite literals.