
  1. Open your browser and go to the Google Colab website.

  2. Click on "File" in the Colab toolbar.

  3. Select "Save a copy in Drive" to save your Colab notebook to Google Drive.

  4. Once the copy is saved, open the new notebook from Google Drive.

  5. Go to the "Runtime" menu and choose "Change runtime type."

  6. Select "GPU" from the Hardware Accelerator dropdown menu.

  7. Run a code cell that utilizes GPU resources to ensure the connection is active.

  8. Install and use the jupyter_http_over_ws extension with the following commands: go !pip install jupyter_http_over_ws !jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyter_http_over_ws

  9. Use the following command to generate a Colab token: go !jupyter notebook \ --NotebookApp.allow_origin='' \ --port=8888 \ --NotebookApp.port_retries=0

  10. Copy the generated link containing the authentication token.

  11. Open a new browser tab and paste the link to connect to the Colab instance.

  12. Keep the Colab tab open in the browser to maintain the connection.

Note: The provided steps aim to leverage GPU resources, save the notebook to Google Drive, and establish a persistent connection using the jupyter_http_over_ws extension and a generated token.