fullscreen switch godot

To switch to fullscreen mode in the Godot game engine using the Go programming language, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Import the required packages:
import (
  1. Initialize the Godot engine:
func init() {
    gdnative.RegisterInitCallback(func() {
        gdnative.LogNotice("Initializing Godot Go...")
  1. Create the main game scene:
func NewGame() gdnative.Interface {
    scene := gdnative.NewNode2D()
    return scene
  1. Set the project settings:
func SetProjectSettings() {
    gdnative.OSSetWindowSize(1920, 1080)
  1. Run the game:
func main() {
    gdnative.RegisterScene("res://game.tscn", NewGame)

By following these steps, you will be able to switch to fullscreen mode in Godot using the Go programming language.