changing scenes in godot

To change scenes in Godot using Go language, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary Godot Go package. go import ""

  2. Create a new instance of the Engine and initialize it. go gdnative.Main(os.Args)

  3. Load the desired scene using the Load method. go scene, err := godot.Load("res://path_to_your_scene.tscn") if err != nil { // Handle error }

  4. Add the loaded scene to the current scene tree. go gdnative.Root.AddChild(scene, false)

  5. Optionally, you can free the previous scene to release resources. go // Free previous scene // previousScene.Free()

  6. Run the main loop to display the new scene. go gdnative.Run()

Ensure to replace "res://path_to_your_scene.tscn" with the actual path to your desired scene file.