how to diagnose horizontal scroll that will not go away on mobile site

To diagnose a persistent horizontal scroll issue on a mobile site, follow these steps:

  1. Inspect Elements: Use the browser developer tools to inspect the elements causing the horizontal scroll. Look for elements extending beyond the viewport or causing overflow.

  2. Viewport Meta Tag: Check if the viewport meta tag is correctly set in the HTML head to ensure the site is responsive on mobile devices. Confirm that the width=device-width attribute is in place.

  3. CSS Overflow Property: Review the CSS code for elements with the overflow property set to "auto" or "scroll." Adjust the overflow settings to prevent horizontal scrolling.

  4. Responsive Design: Verify that the site's layout and design are responsive, adapting to different screen sizes. Ensure that media queries and flexible layouts are properly implemented.

  5. Content Width: Evaluate the width of content elements and containers. Confirm that they are not exceeding the screen width, causing horizontal overflow.

  6. Testing on Multiple Devices: Test the site on various mobile devices and screen sizes to identify specific issues related to the horizontal scroll.

  7. Debugging Tools: Utilize debugging tools and simulators to replicate the issue and identify the root cause of the horizontal scroll problem.

By following these steps, you can diagnose and address the persistent horizontal scroll issue on your mobile site.