golang float to string

To convert a float to a string in Go (Golang), you can use the strconv package. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Import the strconv package:
import "strconv"
  1. Assign the float value to a variable:
value := 3.14
  1. Use the strconv.FormatFloat() function to convert the float to a string:
stringValue := strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'f', -1, 64)

In this example, 'f' specifies the format of the float, -1 tells the function to use the smallest number of digits necessary, and 64 is the bit size of the float.

  1. The variable stringValue now holds the float value converted to a string. You can use it as needed in your code.

That's it! By following these steps, you can convert a float to a string in Go using the strconv package.