real time currency conversion google sheets

To perform real-time currency conversion in Google Sheets using the Go programming language, follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary packages: Begin by importing the required packages for your Go program. You will need the "fmt" package for basic input/output functions and the "net/http" package for making HTTP requests.

  2. Make an HTTP GET request: Use the "net/http" package to make an HTTP GET request to the currency conversion API. You will need to specify the API endpoint and any necessary parameters, such as the source currency, target currency, and amount to be converted. The API will respond with the converted currency value.

  3. Parse the API response: Once you receive the API response, you will need to parse it to extract the converted currency value. The response may be in JSON format, so you can use the "encoding/json" package to parse it. Convert the JSON response into a struct or map to access the necessary data.

  4. Perform the currency conversion: Use the parsed API response to perform the currency conversion calculation. Multiply the amount to be converted by the conversion rate obtained from the API response.

  5. Display the converted currency value: Finally, display the converted currency value in the desired format within your Google Sheet. You can use the "fmt" package to format the output and write the value to a specific cell in your sheet.

Note: The exact implementation details may vary depending on the specific API and Go libraries used for currency conversion. Make sure to refer to the documentation provided by the API provider and the Go programming language for more detailed instructions and examples.