golang string to time

To convert a string to time in Go (Golang), you can follow these steps:

  1. Use the time.Parse() function: This function is used to parse a string into a time.Time value. It takes two arguments - the layout string and the string to be parsed. The layout string specifies the format of the input string.

  2. Specify the layout string: The layout string determines how the string should be formatted for parsing. It consists of a reference time, which is the specific time used as a reference for the layout, and a series of layout elements that define the format of the input string.

  3. Reference time: The reference time is a specific value that is used as a starting point for the layout string. It provides a baseline for parsing the input string. You can use the predefined reference time values provided by the time package, such as time.RFC3339, time.RFC822, etc., or create your own reference time.

  4. Layout elements: The layout string consists of various layout elements that specify the format of the input string. These elements are represented by specific characters, such as "2006" for the year, "01" for the month, "02" for the day, "15" for the hour, "04" for the minute, and "05" for the second. You can combine these elements with other characters, such as "-" or ":" for separators, to match the format of the input string.

  5. Parse the string: Once you have defined the layout string, you can use the time.Parse() function to parse the string and convert it to a time.Time value. The function returns a time.Time value and an error. If the parsing is successful, the returned time.Time value represents the parsed time. Otherwise, the returned error indicates the reason for the parsing failure.

Here is an example of converting a string to time in Go:

package main

import (

func main() {
    layout := "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
    str := "2023-12-05 10:33:16"

    t, err := time.Parse(layout, str)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error:", err)

    fmt.Println("Parsed time:", t)

In this example, the layout string is set to "2006-01-02 15:04:05", which matches the format of the input string "2023-12-05 10:33:16". The time.Parse() function is used to parse the string, and the resulting time.Time value is stored in the variable t. If an error occurs during parsing, it is handled and printed. Finally, the parsed time is printed to the console.