how to change website logo html

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Your Website</title>
    <!-- Your existing logo -->
    <img src="old_logo.png" alt="Old Logo">

  <!-- Replace the 'src' attribute value with the new logo's file path -->
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
      var logo = document.querySelector('header img');
      logo.src = 'new_logo.png';
      logo.alt = 'New Logo';

Explanation: 1. HTML Structure: The HTML structure represents a basic webpage with a header section containing an image tag (<img>). This tag includes the existing logo with the src attribute pointing to the old logo file (old_logo.png).

  1. Script Section: The script section uses JavaScript to change the logo. It waits for the DOMContentLoaded event, ensuring the HTML content is fully loaded before executing the script. The querySelector method finds the img tag within the header, and the src attribute is updated with the file path of the new logo (new_logo.png). Additionally, the alt attribute is updated to provide alternate text for the new logo.

  2. Replacement: To replace the existing logo, replace the old_logo.png file path in the HTML with the file path of your new logo (new_logo.png).

This code updates the logo displayed on your website by using JavaScript to change the src attribute of the existing logo image tag to the file path of the new logo.