godot yield idle frame

In GDScript, the yield statement is used to pause the execution of a function and return control to the caller. When used with the idle_frame argument, it allows other processes to run before resuming the function execution. This can be useful for breaking up long-running tasks and preventing the game from freezing.

Here's an example of how you can use yield with idle_frame in GDScript:

func myFunction():
    print("Before yield")
    yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame")
    print("After yield")

# Calling the function

In this example, the function myFunction will print "Before yield", then pause execution and allow other processes to run. Once an idle frame is available, the function will resume and print "After yield".

Please note that the yield statement with idle_frame is specific to the Godot game engine and GDScript. It may not be available in other programming languages or frameworks.