GDScript typed variables

Sure, I'll provide a straightforward answer using GDScript without any personal sentences.

GDScript supports typed variables, which means you can explicitly define the type of a variable when declaring it. This can help with type checking and catch potential errors early on.

To declare a typed variable in GDScript, you can use the following syntax:

var variable_name: variable_type

For example, if you want to declare a variable called "count" of type integer, you can do:

var count: int

Similarly, if you want to declare a variable called "name" of type string, you can do:

var name: String

Typed variables can be useful when you want to ensure that a variable is of a specific type and avoid unexpected behavior. However, it's important to note that GDScript is a dynamically typed language, so you can still assign values of different types to a typed variable. The type checking will be done during runtime.

I hope this clarifies how to use typed variables in GDScript without any personal sentences.