godot ignore function

In GDScript, the ignore keyword is used to mark a function as ignored by the GDScript interpreter. This means that the function will not be executed or considered during runtime. The ignore keyword is typically used as a way to disable or exclude certain functions from the execution flow temporarily.

Here is an example of how the ignore keyword can be used:

func someFunction():
    ignore print("This function is ignored")
    print("This function is not ignored")

func _ready():

In this example, the someFunction has a print statement inside it, but it is marked with the ignore keyword. As a result, the print("This function is ignored") line will not be executed when the function is called. However, the line print("This function is not ignored") will be executed as it is not marked with ignore.

It's important to note that the ignore keyword is not commonly used in GDScript, as there are usually better alternatives for achieving the desired behavior. The ignore keyword can be useful in certain scenarios, such as when you want to temporarily disable a function without removing or commenting out the code. However, it is generally recommended to use other techniques like conditional statements or function flags to control the execution flow instead of relying on the ignore keyword.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.