godot raycast2d collides with itself

Using GDScript to Handle Raycast2D Colliding with Itself

In GDScript, you can handle the scenario where a Raycast2D collides with itself by using the node_type property and checking for collisions with other specific types of nodes. This can be achieved by setting the node_type property of the Raycast2D node to ignore itself, and then using conditional statements to handle collisions with other types of nodes. Here's an example of how this can be done:

extends RayCast2D

func _ready():
    self.node_type = self.node_type & ~TYPE

func _on_RayCast2D_body_entered(body):
    if body is KinematicBody2D:
        # Handle collision with KinematicBody2D
    elif body is Area2D:
        # Handle collision with Area2D
    # Add more conditional statements for other types of nodes if needed

By setting the node_type to ignore itself and using conditional statements to handle collisions with other types of nodes, you can effectively prevent the Raycast2D from colliding with itself and handle collisions with other nodes as needed.

This information should help you address the issue of a Raycast2D colliding with itself in GDScript.

I hope this helps!