godot check if object is in group

To check if an object is in a group in GDScript, you can use the is_in_group() function. This function takes a group name as an argument and returns true if the object is in the specified group, or false otherwise.

Here's an example of how you can use is_in_group() to check if an object is in a group:

if object.is_in_group("my_group"):
    # Object is in the group
    print("Object is in the group")
    # Object is not in the group
    print("Object is not in the group")

In this example, object is the object you want to check, and "my_group" is the name of the group you want to check for. If the object is in the group, the message "Object is in the group" will be printed. Otherwise, the message "Object is not in the group" will be printed.

You can replace the print() statements with any code or logic you want to execute based on whether the object is in the group or not.

Note that the is_in_group() function only checks if the object is directly in the specified group. It does not check if the object is in a sub-group or if it inherits the group from a parent node.