simplest flask memcached

To implement a simple Flask application with Memcached, follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary modules: Begin by importing the required modules for Flask and Memcached. For Flask, import the Flask class, and for Memcached, import the Client class.

  2. Create an instance of the Flask application: Instantiate a Flask object to create your application. Assign it to a variable, such as "app".

  3. Configure the Memcached server: Set up the connection to the Memcached server by creating an instance of the Memcached Client class. Provide the server address and port as arguments to the constructor.

  4. Define the route and associated function: Use the route decorator to specify the URL route for your application. Inside the function, write the logic that should be executed when this route is accessed.

  5. Store and retrieve data from Memcached: Use the Memcached instance created earlier to store and retrieve data. Use the set() method to store data by providing a key-value pair. To retrieve data, use the get() method and provide the key as an argument.

  6. Run the Flask application: Finally, use the run() method on your Flask application object to run the application on a local server.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates these steps:

from flask import Flask
from pymemcache.client import Client

app = Flask(__name__)
memcached = Client(('localhost', 11211))

def index():
    memcached.set('key', 'value')
    data = memcached.get('key')
    return data

if __name__ == '__main__':

Please note that this is a simplified example to demonstrate the basic usage of Flask with Memcached. In a real-world scenario, you would typically have more routes, handle different HTTP methods, and perform additional operations with Memcached.