production mode flask

To run a Flask application in production mode, follow these steps:

  1. Set the FLASK_ENV environment variable to "production". This can be done by executing the following command in the terminal: export FLASK_ENV=production.

  2. Specify the Flask application file using the FLASK_APP environment variable. For example, if your Flask application is stored in a file named, execute the following command: export

  3. Run the Flask application by executing the command flask run. This will start the application in production mode.

By setting the FLASK_ENV variable to "production", Flask will enable certain optimizations and configurations that are suitable for running the application in a production environment. Additionally, it may disable certain debugging features and enable better error handling.

Setting the FLASK_APP variable allows Flask to locate and load the Flask application from the specified file. This ensures that Flask knows which application to run when the flask run command is executed.

Running the flask run command starts the Flask development server, which listens for incoming requests and serves the Flask application. In production mode, the server may use a different configuration than in development mode, such as using a different web server like Gunicorn or uWSGI.

It's important to note that running a Flask application in production mode may require additional configurations, such as setting up a web server or load balancer. These configurations may vary depending on the deployment environment and specific requirements of the application.