how to redirect user in flask response python

To redirect a user in Flask, you can use the redirect function from the flask module. This function allows you to redirect the user to a different URL.

Here is an example of how to redirect a user in Flask:

from flask import Flask, redirect

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return redirect('/newurl')

def newurl():
    return 'Hello, this is the new URL!'

if __name__ == '__main__':

In this example, we define two routes in the Flask application. The first route is the root route (/), and when a user accesses this route, the index function is executed. Inside the index function, we use the redirect function to redirect the user to the /newurl route.

The second route (/newurl) is defined with the newurl function, which simply returns a string indicating that the user has been redirected to the new URL.

When you run this Flask application and access the root URL (http://localhost:5000/), you will be automatically redirected to the /newurl URL, and you will see the message "Hello, this is the new URL!".

The redirect function takes a URL as an argument and returns a response object that instructs the user's web browser to redirect to the specified URL. Flask will automatically handle the redirection for you.

It's important to note that the URL passed to the redirect function can be an absolute URL or a relative URL. In the example above, we used a relative URL (/newurl), but you can also use an absolute URL (e.g., if desired.

That's how you can redirect a user in Flask using the redirect function.