from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/',methods = ('GET')) def home(): return ('Hello World!!1') if __name__== '_main_':

The code provided is an example of a basic Flask application in Python. Here is an explanation for each step:

  1. Importing Flask - The first line of code imports the Flask module, allowing us to use its functionalities.

  2. Creating the Flask object - The next line creates an instance of the Flask class and assigns it to the variable "app". The "name" argument is a special Python variable that represents the name of the current module.

  3. Defining a route - The "@app.route" decorator is used to specify the URL route for a particular function. In this case, the route is set to the root URL ('/'). The "methods" argument specifies that this route will only respond to GET requests.

  4. Defining the function - The "home()" function is defined below the route decorator. This function will be executed when the root URL is accessed with a GET request.

  5. Returning a response - Inside the "home()" function, the "return" statement is used to send a response back to the client. In this case, the response is the string "Hello World!!1".

  6. Running the application - Finally, the "if name == 'main':" condition checks if the script is being run directly (not imported as a module). If it is the main script, the "" function is called to start the Flask development server.

That's it! When you run this script, Flask will start a local server, and you can access the "Hello World!!1" message by visiting the root URL in your browser.