flask send email gmail

Sure! Here is a step-by-step guide on how to send an email using Flask and Gmail:

Step 1: Import the necessary modules To send an email using Flask and Gmail, you will need to import the 'flask' module, as well as the 'Flask-Mail' extension. These modules will provide the necessary functionality to send emails.

Step 2: Configure Flask-Mail Next, you will need to configure Flask-Mail with your Gmail credentials. This includes setting the SMTP server, port, and authentication details. You can do this by creating an instance of the 'Mail' class and configuring it with the appropriate settings.

Step 3: Create a Flask route for sending emails Now, you need to create a Flask route that will handle the email sending functionality. This route will be triggered when a specific URL is accessed. Within this route, you will define the email content, such as the sender, recipient, subject, and body.

Step 4: Send the email Inside the Flask route, you can use the 'Mail' instance created earlier to send the email. You will need to call the 'send' method of the 'Mail' instance and pass in the email content as arguments.

Step 5: Test the email sending functionality To ensure that the email sending functionality is working correctly, you can run your Flask application and access the URL associated with the Flask route you created in Step 3. This will trigger the sending of the email and you can check your Gmail inbox to verify if the email was sent successfully.

That's it! By following these steps, you should be able to send emails using Flask and Gmail. Remember to handle any errors that may occur during the email sending process and to properly secure your Gmail credentials to protect your account.