flask run on ip and port

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Navigate to the directory where your Flask application is located using the 'cd' command.

  3. Set the FLASK_APP environment variable to the name of your Flask application file:

export FLASK_APP=your_app_name.py

Replace "your_app_name.py" with the actual name of your Flask application file.

  1. (Optional) Set the FLASK_ENV environment variable to "development" if you want to run the application in development mode:
export FLASK_ENV=development

This step is optional, and you can skip it if you want to run the application in the default production mode.

  1. Run the Flask application using the 'flask run' command. You can specify the host and port using the '--host' and '--port' options. For example, to run the application on IP address (localhost) and port 5000, use the following command:
flask run --host= --port=5000

Replace the IP address and port number with your desired values.

  1. Access your Flask application in a web browser using the specified IP address and port. In this example, you would navigate to

  2. To stop the Flask application, press 'Ctrl + C' in the terminal window.

Note: Make sure to replace placeholder values such as "your_app_name.py," IP address, and port number with your actual application file name, desired IP address, and port.