flask rest api upload image

  1. Import the necessary modules: Start by importing the required modules for building a Flask REST API and handling file uploads. This typically includes the Flask module and the necessary modules for handling file uploads, such as request and secure_filename from the Werkzeug module.

  2. Create an instance of the Flask application: Create an instance of the Flask application using the Flask() constructor. This will serve as the main entry point for the API.

  3. Define the route for uploading the image: Use the @app.route() decorator to define the route for uploading the image. This specifies the URL endpoint and the HTTP methods that the route will handle.

  4. Handle the image upload request: Inside the route function, use the request module to handle the image upload request. Access the uploaded file using the request.files attribute and extract the file using its name or key.

  5. Validate the uploaded image: Perform any necessary validation on the uploaded image, such as checking the file extension, size, or format. This step ensures that only valid images are accepted.

  6. Save the uploaded image: Use the secure_filename function from the Werkzeug module to securely generate a filename for the uploaded image. Save the image to a designated location on the server using the save() method of the uploaded file object.

  7. Return a response: Finally, return a response to the client indicating the success or failure of the image upload. This can be done by returning a JSON object or any other appropriate response format.

  8. Run the Flask application: At the end of the script, add a conditional check to ensure that the application is run only if the script is executed directly, not imported as a module. Use the app.run() method to run the Flask application on a specified host and port.

Remember to customize the code according to your specific requirements, such as handling authentication, adding additional endpoints, or implementing error handling.