flask render error template

To render an error template in Flask, follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary modules: In your Flask application file, import the render_template function from the flask module. This function is used to render the HTML templates.

  2. Create an error handler function: Define a function to handle the specific error condition. For example, to handle a 404 Not Found error, you can define a function with the @app.errorhandler(404) decorator.

  3. Decorate the error handler function: Decorate the error handler function with the relevant HTTP error code. This ensures that the function is called when the specified error occurs.

  4. Return the rendered template: Within the error handler function, use the render_template function to render the appropriate error template. Pass the name of the template as an argument. Typically, error templates are stored in a folder named "templates" within your Flask application directory.

  5. Customize the error template: Create an HTML template file for the error condition you are handling. Customize the template to display the desired error message or any additional information you want to include.

  6. Test the error handler: Run your Flask application and trigger the specific error condition that you have defined the error handler for. Verify that the error template is rendered correctly.

Note: Remember to replace any generic placeholder code or variable names with the appropriate values for your specific Flask application.