get request header flask

Certainly! Here is an example:

from flask import Flask, request

app = Flask(__name__)

def get_headers():
    headers = dict(request.headers)
    return headers

Explanation: - from flask import Flask, request: Imports the Flask framework and the request module to handle incoming HTTP requests. - app = Flask(__name__): Creates a Flask application instance.

def get_headers():
  • @app.route('/get_headers'): Defines a route /get_headers for the application. When accessed via a GET request, it will trigger the get_headers function.
  • def get_headers():: Defines the get_headers function to handle the logic when the specified route is accessed.
headers = dict(request.headers)
  • headers = dict(request.headers): Retrieves the headers from the incoming HTTP request using request.headers. The headers are stored as a dictionary using dict().
return headers
  • return headers: Returns the headers as a JSON object in the HTTP response.

This code sets up a Flask route /get_headers that, upon receiving a GET request, retrieves the headers from the request and returns them as a JSON object.