flask get value of radio button

To get the value of a radio button in Flask, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary modules: First, you need to import the required modules for Flask. These modules include "Flask" for creating the web application and "request" for handling HTTP requests.

  2. Create the Flask application: Next, you need to create a Flask application instance. This can be done by calling the Flask class and assigning it to a variable. For example: python app = Flask(__name__)

  3. Define a route and create a template: After creating the Flask application, you need to define a route that corresponds to the URL where the radio button form will be submitted. Within this route, you should render an HTML template that contains the radio button form. The template should have a form with a radio button input and a submit button. For example: python @app.route('/radio_button', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def radio_button(): return render_template('radio_button.html')

  4. Handle the form submission: In the same route function, you need to handle the form submission. This can be done by checking the request method. If the method is "POST", you can retrieve the value of the radio button using the request.form dictionary. For example: python @app.route('/radio_button', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def radio_button(): if request.method == 'POST': selected_value = request.form['radio_button'] return f'The selected value is: {selected_value}' return render_template('radio_button.html')

  5. Create the HTML template: Finally, you need to create an HTML template called "radio_button.html". This template should contain a form with a radio button input and a submit button. The name attribute of the radio button input should be set to "radio_button" to match the name used in the route function. For example: ```html

    Option 1
    Option 2


That's it! By following these steps, you will be able to get the value of a radio button in Flask. Remember to replace the route and template names with your own as needed.