flask get summernote text

To retrieve the text from a Summernote editor using Flask, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Import the necessary modules:
  2. from flask import Flask, request, jsonify

  3. Create a Flask application object:

  4. app = Flask(__name__)

  5. Define a route to handle the POST request from the Summernote editor:

  6. @app.route('/get_text', methods=['POST'])

  7. Create a function to handle the POST request:

  8. def get_text():

  9. Access the text from the request object using the request.form dictionary:

  10. text = request.form['text']

  11. Return the text as a response using the jsonify function:

  12. return jsonify(text=text)

  13. Run the Flask application:

  14. if __name__ == '__main__':
    • app.run()

In summary, these steps involve importing the necessary modules, creating a Flask application, defining a route to handle the POST request, creating a function to handle the request, accessing the text from the request object, and returning the text as a response using the jsonify function.