flask docker

  1. Create a Flask App: Develop a Flask application by defining routes, handling requests, and creating necessary functionalities.

  2. Set Up Dockerfile: Create a Dockerfile specifying the necessary configurations for building a Docker image. Include details such as the base image, dependencies, and setup instructions.

  3. Docker Compose File: Compose a YAML file (docker-compose.yml) to define services, networks, and volumes required for the application. Specify service configurations including ports, environment variables, and container dependencies.

  4. Build Docker Image: Use the docker build command to build a Docker image based on the Dockerfile defined earlier. This command compiles the application and creates an image that can be deployed as a container.

  5. Run Docker Container: Deploy the Flask application as a Docker container using the docker run command. Map the container's ports to the host machine, set environment variables if necessary, and start the container to run the Flask app within the Docker environment.

  6. Test and Debug: Verify the functionality of the Flask app running within the Docker container. Debug any issues that arise during testing by accessing the logs and modifying configurations if needed.

  7. Docker Compose Up: Execute the docker-compose up command to start the application using the configurations specified in the docker-compose.yml file. This command launches the Flask app and any additional services defined within the same Docker Compose configuration.

  8. Access the Flask App: Access the Flask application running in the Docker container by navigating to the specified host and port in a web browser or making HTTP requests to the defined routes to interact with the functionalities provided by the Flask app.