flask define template folder

Flask is a popular web framework in Python that allows you to build web applications. To define a template folder in Flask, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new directory in your Flask project and name it "templates". This directory will be used to store all your HTML templates.

  2. Inside the "templates" directory, create a new HTML file. This file will serve as a template for your web page. You can name it anything you like, but it's common to use a descriptive name related to the page it represents.

  3. Open the HTML file and write your HTML code. You can include placeholders or variables in your HTML code using Flask's template engine. These placeholders will be replaced with actual values when the template is rendered.

  4. In your Flask application, import the "render_template" function from the "flask" module. This function is used to render the HTML templates.

  5. In your Flask application, create a route that corresponds to the URL of the page you want to display using the template. Inside this route function, call the "render_template" function and pass the name of the HTML file as an argument. Flask will automatically look for the HTML file in the "templates" directory.

  6. When a user visits the URL associated with the route, Flask will render the template by replacing any placeholders with the actual values. The rendered HTML will be sent back to the user's browser.

By following these steps, you can define a template folder in Flask and use it to render dynamic web pages.