flask api with parameter

To create a Flask API with parameters, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the Flask module:
  2. Use the following code to import the Flask module: from flask import Flask

  3. Create an instance of the Flask class:

  4. Initialize a Flask app by creating an instance of the Flask class, like this: app = Flask(__name__)

  5. Define a route with a parameter:

  6. Use the @app.route() decorator to define a route, and specify a URL pattern that includes a parameter. For example, @app.route('/api/<param>') defines a route with a parameter called param.

  7. Create a function to handle the route:

  8. Define a function that will handle the route. This function will take the parameter as an argument. For example, def api_route(param):.

  9. Return a response:

  10. Inside the function, you can perform any necessary operations using the parameter. Then, return a response using the return statement. For example, return f"Parameter value: {param}".

  11. Run the Flask app:

  12. Finally, run the Flask app using the app.run() method. For example, app.run()

Here is an example of how the complete code might look:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def api_route(param):
    # Perform operations using the parameter
    # Return a response
    return f"Parameter value: {param}"


This code sets up a Flask API with a route that accepts a parameter. When the API is accessed with a URL that matches the route pattern, the parameter value will be passed to the api_route function, and a response will be returned.