fetch api flask url redirect

When working with Flask, you can use the fetch API to make requests to a Flask URL and perform a redirect. Here are the steps involved in achieving this:

  1. Import the necessary modules: Begin by importing the necessary modules in your Flask application. This typically includes importing the Flask module itself.

  2. Define a route: Create a route in your Flask application that will handle the request and perform the redirect. This is done using the @app.route() decorator in Flask.

  3. Handle the request: Within the route function, you can access the request object to retrieve any data that was sent in the request. You can use this data to determine the URL to redirect to.

  4. Perform the redirect: To perform the redirect, you can use the redirect() function provided by Flask. This function takes the URL you want to redirect to as an argument.

  5. Return the redirect response: Once the redirect is performed, you can return the redirect response from the route function. Flask will handle the redirect and send it back to the client.

By following these steps, you can use the fetch API to make a request to a Flask URL and have it redirect to another URL.