check if key exists in sesson python flask

To check if a key exists in the session in Python Flask, you can use the in operator to check if the key is present in the session dictionary. Here are the steps to do this:

  1. Import the necessary modules:
from flask import Flask, session
  1. Create a Flask application instance:
app = Flask(__name__)
  1. Set a secret key for the Flask application:
app.secret_key = 'your_secret_key'

The secret key is used to encrypt and secure the session data.

  1. Check if the key exists in the session:
if 'key_name' in session:
    # Key exists in the session
    # Do something here
    # Key does not exist in the session
    # Do something else here

Replace 'key_name' with the actual key you want to check.

In this example, we use the in operator to check if 'key_name' exists in the session dictionary. If the key exists, the code inside the if block will be executed. Otherwise, the code inside the else block will be executed.

By using the in operator, you can easily check if a key exists in the session in Python Flask.