405 Method Not Allowed When Redirecting in Flask within POST route

  1. The HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed error occurs when a client sends a request that the server does not recognize or support for the target resource.

  2. In the context of Flask, a web framework for Python, this error can occur when attempting to redirect within a POST route.

  3. When a client submits a form or sends data to a server using the HTTP POST method, the server typically processes the request and sends a response back to the client. In some cases, it may be necessary to redirect the client to a different URL after processing the POST request.

  4. In Flask, the redirect() function is commonly used to redirect the client to a different URL. However, when trying to redirect within a POST route, the redirect() function may result in a 405 error.

  5. The reason for this error is that the HTTP specification does not allow the server to respond to a POST request with a redirect. According to the specification, a server should respond to a POST request with a 303 See Other status code, indicating that the client should make a GET request to a different URL.

  6. To overcome this issue, an alternative approach can be used. Instead of using the redirect() function within the POST route, the POST route can return a response with a 303 status code and the appropriate Location header set to the desired URL.

  7. Here is an example of how this can be done in Flask:

from flask import Flask, redirect, url_for, request, Response

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/form', methods=['POST'])
def process_form():
    # Process the form data here

    # Redirect the client to a different URL
    redirect_url = url_for('success')
    return Response(status=303, headers={'Location': redirect_url})

def success():
    return 'Form submitted successfully!'

if __name__ == '__main__':

In this example, the process_form() function handles the POST request and processes the form data. Instead of using the redirect() function, it returns a Response object with a 303 status code and the 'Location' header set to the URL of the success route.

  1. By following this approach, the 405 Method Not Allowed error can be avoided when redirecting within a POST route in Flask.