what regular express will match valid internation number

Regular Expression for Valid International Phone Numbers

To match valid international phone numbers using a regular expression, you can use the following pattern:

^\+(?:[0-9]){1,3}(?:[ -]?)(?:\([0-9]+\))?(?:[ -]?)(?:[0-9]+)(?:[ -]?)(?:[0-9]+)(?:[ -]?)(?:[0-9]+)(?:[ -]?)(?:[0-9]+)$

Let's break down the regular expression and explain each step:

  • ^ asserts the start of the string.
  • \+ matches the plus symbol, which is commonly used to indicate an international phone number.
  • (?:[0-9]){1,3} matches one to three digits, allowing for the country code.
  • (?:[ -]?) matches an optional space or hyphen.
  • (?:\([0-9]+\))? matches an optional set of parentheses containing one or more digits, which is sometimes used for the area code.
  • (?:[ -]?) matches an optional space or hyphen.
  • (?:[0-9]+) matches one or more digits for the main part of the phone number.
  • (?:[ -]?) matches an optional space or hyphen.
  • (?:[0-9]+) matches one or more digits.
  • (?:[ -]?) matches an optional space or hyphen.
  • (?:[0-9]+) matches one or more digits.
  • (?:[ -]?) matches an optional space or hyphen.
  • (?:[0-9]+) matches one or more digits.
  • (?:[ -]?) matches an optional space or hyphen.
  • (?:[0-9]+) matches one or more digits.
  • $ asserts the end of the string.

This regular expression allows for various formats of international phone numbers, including optional country codes, area codes in parentheses, and optional spaces or hyphens between digits. It ensures that the entire string matches the specified pattern.

Please note that this regular expression is a general pattern and may not cover all possible variations of international phone numbers. It is always recommended to validate phone numbers using a combination of regular expressions and additional logic in your specific programming language or framework.