supertest express check response

Step 1: Import the express module To use the Express framework, you need to import the express module into your code. This can be done using the require() function in Node.js.

Step 2: Create an Express application After importing the express module, you need to create an instance of the Express application. This can be done by calling the express() function.

Step 3: Define a route with a callback function In Express, routes are defined using the HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) and the URL pattern for the route. For example, to define a route for the "/users" URL pattern, you can use the following code:

app.get('/users', (req, res) => { // Callback function code goes here });

Step 4: Handle the request and send a response Inside the callback function, you can handle the request and send a response back to the client. The req parameter represents the request object, and the res parameter represents the response object. You can access the request parameters, headers, and body using the req object, and you can send the response using the res object.

For example, to send a JSON response with a status code of 200, you can use the following code:

app.get('/users', (req, res) => { res.status(200).json({ message: 'Success' }); });

Step 5: Start the Express server Finally, you need to start the Express server so that it can listen for incoming requests. This can be done by calling the listen() method on the Express application object, specifying the port number to listen on.

For example, to start the server on port 3000, you can use the following code:
