show dynamic data expressjs

First, you need to create a new Express application using the express-generator tool. Once the application is generated, navigate into the application directory and install the necessary dependencies using the npm install command.

Next, you should create a new route file to handle dynamic data. Inside this file, you can define a route that will handle the dynamic data request.

After that, you need to use a database or any other data source to retrieve the dynamic data. You can use middleware such as body-parser to parse the incoming request with JSON or URL-encoded payloads.

Then, you can use the retrieved dynamic data to render a view or send a JSON response to the client. You can use the res.render method to render a view with the dynamic data, or use res.json to send a JSON response containing the dynamic data.

Finally, you can test the dynamic data route using tools like Postman or by making a request to the route from a client application. This will allow you to verify that the dynamic data is being handled and returned correctly.