Pass 3 of the same thing to ExpressJS with a form

To pass three of the same thing to ExpressJS with a form, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a form in your HTML file: Start by creating an HTML form using the <form> element. Inside the form, create an input field using the <input> element. Set the name attribute of the input field to a unique name, such as "item". This will allow you to reference the input field in your ExpressJS code.

  2. Set the form method and action: Specify the form's method attribute as "POST" and the action attribute as the route where you want to send the form data. For example, if you want to send the data to "/submit", set the form's action attribute to "/submit".

  3. Add the "item" input field: Within the form, add two more input fields with the same name attribute as the first input field. This will ensure that you can submit three of the same thing to ExpressJS.

  4. Handle the form submission in ExpressJS: In your ExpressJS application, create a route that matches the form's action attribute. For example, if the action attribute is "/submit", create a POST route for "/submit" using the method.

  5. Access the form data in ExpressJS: In the route handler for the "/submit" route, you can access the form data using the req.body object. Since you have three input fields with the same name attribute, the value of req.body.item will be an array containing the three values submitted from the form.

  6. Process the form data: You can now process the form data as needed. For example, you can store it in a database, perform calculations, or generate a response to send back to the client.

By following these steps, you can pass three of the same thing to ExpressJS using a form. Remember to adjust the code and route names according to your specific requirements.