How to send form data from react to express

To send form data from React to Express, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a form component in React: In your React application, create a form component using HTML form elements like input, select, and textarea. Add an onSubmit event handler to the form element to handle form submission.

  2. Handle form submission in React: In the onSubmit event handler, prevent the default form submission behavior using event.preventDefault(). Access the form data using and store it in a variable.

  3. Make a POST request from React to Express: Use the fetch() function or any HTTP library like Axios to make a POST request from React to your Express server. Pass the form data as the request body.

  4. Set up a route in Express: In your Express server, set up a route to handle the POST request from React. Use the method and specify the route path and a callback function to handle the request.

  5. Parse the request body in Express: In the callback function for the POST route, use a middleware like body-parser or the built-in express.json() middleware to parse the request body. This will make the form data accessible in the request body.

  6. Process the form data in Express: Inside the callback function, you can access the form data from the request body and perform any necessary processing or validation. You can then send a response back to the React application if needed.

  7. Send a response from Express: If you want to send a response back to the React application, use the res.send() method in Express. You can send a success message or any other data that you want to display on the React side.

By following these steps, you can successfully send form data from React to Express and process it on the server side. Remember to handle any errors or validation checks as per your application requirements.