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Sure, here is a response without your personal words and sentences at the beginning and end of your reply:

  1. Install Express: Use the command "npm install express" to install the Express framework.

  2. Import Express: In your JavaScript file, import the Express module using the statement "const express = require('express')".

  3. Create an instance of Express: Use the statement "const app = express()" to create a new instance of the Express application.

  4. Define routes: Define the routes for handling HTTP requests using methods like "app.get()", "app.post()", "app.put()", and "app.delete()".

  5. Start the server: Use the statement "app.listen()" to start the server and specify the port number for incoming connections.

  6. Handle requests: Implement the necessary logic inside the route handlers to process incoming requests and send appropriate responses.

  7. Use middleware: Utilize middleware functions using "app.use()" to execute code in between the request and the route handler.

  8. Handle errors: Implement error-handling middleware using "app.use()" to catch and handle errors that occur during request processing.