express response setTimeout

  1. Use the setTimeout function to delay the execution of a block of code or a function.

  2. Pass the function or code block as the first argument to setTimeout. This function or code block will be executed after the specified delay.

  3. Specify the delay in milliseconds as the second argument to setTimeout. For example, if you want the function to execute after 1 second, you would pass 1000 as the second argument.

  4. Optionally, you can pass additional arguments to the function by including them after the delay argument in the setTimeout function call.

  5. When the specified delay has passed, the function or code block passed to setTimeout will be executed.

  6. If you want to cancel the execution of the function before the delay has passed, you can use the clearTimeout function. This function takes the timeout ID returned by setTimeout as an argument.

  7. It's important to note that the delay specified in setTimeout is not guaranteed to be exact. The actual delay may be slightly longer due to various factors such as the system's workload.

  8. The setTimeout function is commonly used in web development to add delays between animations, implement timeouts for asynchronous operations, or schedule tasks to be executed in the future.

  9. It's also worth mentioning that setTimeout is a global function in JavaScript and can be used in both web browsers and Node.js environments.