express request url ignores hash

Express Request URL and Hash Ignoring

Express request url ignores hash due to the fact that the hash portion of a URL (the part after the #) is not sent to the server by the browser. This behavior is by design and is not specific to Express.

  1. Client Request: When a client (e.g., browser) makes a request to the server, the hash portion of the URL is not included in the request that is sent to the server.

  2. Server Processing: The server receives the request without the hash portion, as it is not part of the HTTP request. Therefore, the server, including an Express server, does not have access to the hash in the URL.

  3. Client-Side Handling: The hash portion of the URL is typically used for client-side routing and navigation within a web page. JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue often use the hash to manage client-side routing without causing full page reloads.

  4. Client-Side JavaScript: Client-side JavaScript can access and manipulate the hash portion of the URL using the window.location.hash property. This allows for client-side functionality such as updating the URL without causing a full page refresh.

In summary, the hash portion of a URL is not sent to the server by the browser, so the server, including Express, does not have direct access to it. The hash is commonly used for client-side routing and navigation within a web page, and can be manipulated using client-side JavaScript.