express rate limit redis

To set up rate limiting with Redis, you can follow these steps:

  1. Connect to Redis: Connect to your Redis server using a client library or command-line interface.
  2. Initialize a Rate Limiter: Create a new rate limiter instance, specifying the Redis connection and the key prefix for rate limiting.
  3. Set Rate Limits: Define the rate limits for the desired actions or resources, specifying the number of allowed actions within a specific time window.
  4. Perform Rate Limiting: When an action is performed, use the rate limiter to check if the limit has been reached. If the limit has not been reached, allow the action to proceed and update the rate limiter. If the limit has been reached, block the action or apply a suitable strategy, such as delaying or rejecting the request.
  5. Monitor and Adjust: Monitor the rate limiting in operation and adjust the rate limits as needed based on the observed traffic patterns and system performance.