express middleware pass parameter

To pass parameters with Express middleware, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a middleware function: Start by creating a middleware function using the app.use() method in your Express application. This function will be called for each request that matches the specified route.

  2. Define the parameters: Inside the middleware function, you can define the parameters you want to pass. For example, you can use the req (request) object to access the parameters from the URL query string, request body, or request headers.

  3. Modify the request object: Once you have obtained the parameters, you can modify the req object to include the parameter values. This can be done by adding custom properties to the req object, such as req.parameterName = parameterValue.

  4. Continue to the next middleware or route handler: After modifying the req object, you can call the next() function to pass control to the next middleware function or route handler. This allows the request to continue processing.

By following these steps, you can pass parameters with Express middleware and make them available to subsequent middleware functions or route handlers in your application.