express js list all routes

To list all routes in Express.js and provide explanations for each step, you can follow these instructions:

  1. Import the Express module: javascript const express = require('express');

  2. Create an instance of the Express application: javascript const app = express();

  3. Define a route handler for each endpoint: ```javascript app.get('/route1', (req, res) => { // Handle GET request for /route1 });'/route2', (req, res) => { // Handle POST request for /route2 });

// Add more route handlers as needed ```

  1. Use the app._router.stack property to access the route handlers: javascript const routes = app._router.stack.filter((middleware) => middleware.route );

  2. Iterate over the routes array to get information about each route: javascript routes.forEach((route) => { console.log('Path:', route.route.path); console.log('Method(s):', route.route.methods); });

  3. Run the Express application on a specific port: javascript app.listen(3000, () => { console.log('Server is running on port 3000'); });

Please note that the app._router.stack property is an internal property of Express and may not be officially documented. Therefore, it's important to use it with caution and be aware that it might not work in future versions of Express.

Let me know if you have any further questions.