express js continous GET /json/version

  1. The client sends a GET request to the server with the endpoint "/json/version".

  2. The server receives the GET request and checks if there is a corresponding route defined for the "/json/version" endpoint.

  3. If a route is found, the server executes the corresponding handler function associated with that route.

  4. The handler function retrieves the current version information from the server's database or any other data source.

  5. The handler function formats the version information into a JSON object.

  6. The handler function sends the JSON object as the response to the client.

  7. The client receives the JSON response from the server.

  8. The client can now parse and use the version information as needed.

  9. The client may choose to make further requests or take other actions based on the received version information.

  10. The process may repeat if the client decides to continuously send GET requests to the server for the "/json/version" endpoint.

Please note that the above steps are a general outline of how a typical Express.js application handles a continuous GET request for the "/json/version" endpoint. The actual implementation may vary depending on the specific requirements and configuration of the application.