csurf in express

  1. Create a new directory for the project: Use the command "mkdir project_name" to create a new directory for the project.

  2. Navigate into the newly created directory: Use the command "cd project_name" to move into the newly created directory.

  3. Initialize the project using npm: Use the command "npm init -y" to initialize the project with default settings.

  4. Install Express framework: Use the command "npm install express" to install the Express framework for Node.js.

  5. Create a new file for the Express application: Use the command "touch app.js" to create a new file named "app.js" for the Express application.

  6. Open the "app.js" file in a code editor: Use a code editor of your choice to open the "app.js" file for writing the Express application code.

  7. Write the Express application code: Write the necessary code for your Express application, including routes, middleware, and any other required functionality.

  8. Start the Express application: Use the command "node app.js" to start the Express application and make it available for incoming requests.

  9. Test the Express application: Use a web browser or an API testing tool to send requests to the Express application and verify its functionality.