private class members javascript

In JavaScript, there is no built-in support for private class members. However, in Ember.js, a popular JavaScript framework, you can achieve private class members by using naming conventions with underscores.

To create a private class member in Ember, you can prefix its name with an underscore. By convention, members with an underscore at the beginning of their name are considered private and should not be accessed directly from outside the class.

For example, let's say we have a class called MyClass in Ember:

export default class MyClass {
  _privateProperty = 'This is a private property';

  _privateMethod() {
    console.log('This is a private method');

  publicMethod() {
    console.log('This is a public method');
    this._privateMethod(); // Accessing the private method within the class is allowed

In the example above, _privateProperty and _privateMethod are considered private members of the MyClass class. They are not intended to be accessed or modified directly from outside the class. However, they can be used internally within the class, as shown in the publicMethod.

It's important to note that these naming conventions do not enforce true encapsulation or prevent direct access to the private members. They are simply conventions followed by developers to indicate that certain members should be treated as private. Other developers can still access and modify these members if they choose to do so, although it is generally considered best practice to respect the privacy of these members.

In conclusion, in Ember.js, you can create private class members by prefixing their names with an underscore. However, it's important to note that these naming conventions are not enforced by the language itself.