js any array member true

To check if any member of an array is true in Ember.js, you can use the any function provided by the Ember.ArrayUtils module. The any function returns true if at least one element in the array satisfies the specified condition.

Here's an example of how you can use the any function in Ember.js to check if any member of an array is true:

import { any } from '@ember/array';

let array = [false, false, true, false];

let hasTrueMember = any(array, (item) => item === true);

console.log(hasTrueMember); // Output: true

In this example, we have an array called array with several boolean values. We use the any function to check if any member of the array is true. The callback function (item) => item === true checks if each item in the array is equal to true. If any item satisfies the condition, the any function returns true. In this case, the output will be true because there is at least one true value in the array.

You can customize the condition inside the callback function according to your specific requirements.