elixir timex format

To format a date or time in Elixir using the Timex library, you can use the Timex.format/2 function. This function takes two arguments: the datetime value you want to format and a string that specifies the desired format.

Here's an example of how you can use Timex.format/2 to format a datetime value:

datetime = Timex.now()
formatted = Timex.format(datetime, "{YYYY}-{0M}-{0D} {0h}:{0m}:{0s}")

In this example, Timex.now() returns the current datetime, and the format string "{YYYY}-{0M}-{0D} {0h}:{0m}:{0s}" specifies the desired format. The format string uses placeholders enclosed in curly braces to represent different parts of the datetime value. For example, {YYYY} represents the full year, {0M} represents the zero-padded month, {0D} represents the zero-padded day, {0h} represents the zero-padded hour, {0m} represents the zero-padded minute, and {0s} represents the zero-padded second.

After calling Timex.format/2, the formatted variable will contain the datetime value formatted according to the specified format.

You can find more information about the available format options in the Timex documentation: https://hexdocs.pm/timex/Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatter.html#content