elixir string to datetime

To convert a string to a datetime in Elixir, you can use the DateTime.from_iso8601/1 function. This function takes a string in ISO 8601 format and returns a DateTime struct. Here's an example:

string = "2023-11-29T10:30:00Z"
datetime = DateTime.from_iso8601(string)

In the above example, the string variable contains the datetime string in ISO 8601 format. The DateTime.from_iso8601/1 function is then called with the string as an argument to convert it into a DateTime struct.

You can also specify the timezone by using the DateTime.from_iso8601!/2 function and passing the desired timezone as the second argument. For example:

string = "2023-11-29T10:30:00Z"
timezone = "America/New_York"
datetime = DateTime.from_iso8601!(string, timezone)

In this case, the timezone variable is set to "America/New_York" to convert the datetime string to the Eastern Time Zone.

Keep in mind that the DateTime.from_iso8601/1 function returns {:ok, datetime} if the conversion is successful, or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.