elixir rescue

To handle errors and exceptions in Elixir, you can use the rescue keyword along with the try block.

The try block is used to enclose the code that might raise an exception. If an exception is raised within the try block, the rescue block is executed. The rescue block allows you to define a pattern that matches the type of exception you want to handle, followed by the code that should be executed in case of an exception.

Here's an example of how you can use rescue in Elixir:

try do
  # Code that might raise an exception
  raise "Oops, something went wrong!"
  exception_type -> 
    # Code to handle the exception
    IO.puts "Caught an exception: #{inspect exception_type}"

In the example above, the raise function is used to intentionally raise an exception. The rescue block catches the exception and prints a message along with the type of the exception.

You can also use multiple rescue blocks to handle different types of exceptions:

try do
  # Code that might raise an exception
  raise "Oops, something went wrong!"
  RuntimeError ->
    # Code to handle RuntimeError
    IO.puts "Caught a RuntimeError"
  ArgumentError ->
    # Code to handle ArgumentError
    IO.puts "Caught an ArgumentError"

In this example, the first rescue block will handle RuntimeError exceptions, and the second rescue block will handle ArgumentError exceptions.

It's important to note that in Elixir, exceptions are not used for flow control like in some other languages. They should be used for exceptional situations only, and not as a regular part of the program's logic.

That's the basic usage of rescue in Elixir for handling exceptions. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!