elixir debug

Debugging in Elixir

To debug code in Elixir, you can use the IO.inspect/2 function to print the value of a variable or expression at a specific point in your code. Here's an example:

defmodule MyModule do
  def my_function(arg1, arg2) do

    # Rest of your code...

In the example above, IO.inspect/2 is used to print the values of arg1 and arg2 to the console. You can place IO.inspect/2 statements at different points in your code to help you understand the values of variables and expressions during execution.

Another useful tool for debugging in Elixir is the :debugger module, which provides a graphical debugger. To use the debugger, you need to start your Elixir application with the --debug flag. For example:

$ elixir --debug -S mix run

This will start your application in debug mode, allowing you to set breakpoints and step through your code using the debugger.

Additionally, you can use the :observer module to get a visual representation of your application's processes and system information. To start the observer, you can run the following command in the Elixir shell:


The observer provides a graphical interface that allows you to monitor and inspect different aspects of your application, such as processes, memory usage, and system load.

These are some of the common techniques used for debugging in Elixir. Remember to remove any debugging statements or flags before deploying your code to production.